Thanks to our partner, Soccerloco - Child Abuse Prevention, Treatment & Welfare Services | Children's Bureau



Thanks to our partner, Soccerloco

A few weeks ago, the kids at the Children’s Bureau Preschool were blessed with a special present from one of our generous partners. soccerloco surprised the children with boxes full of soccer balls during playtime. The children’s excitement was undeniable and their smiles were contagious! Not only did the soccer balls encourage the kids to be active and healthy, but they also helped spark an interest in soccer as a lifelong hobby.

soccerloco Playerssoccerloco is the premier destination to buy high-quality soccer shoes, jerseys, apparel, and equipment. With their premier performance products and innovative experience, soccerloco is dedicated to take committed soccer players, teams, and fans to the next level.

soccerloco is also a well-known advocate for children’s health and happiness. The soccerloco team works closely with soccer clubs and the local soccer community, encouraging children to get involved and helping them become aspiring soccer stars. Soccerloco currently boasts a roster of nearly 50 elite youth soccer clubs in which they provide uniforms and help grow the club through special events, tournament support, and more. Knowing this, we jumped at the opportunity to partner up with such an amazing organization that helps make young people’s dreams come true.

There have been multiple studies that prove the positive impact that sports can have on a child’s life. Through sports children can learn to ignore naysayers, improve communication skills, increase their self-esteem, and become leaders. Anyone who was fortunate enough to participate in team sports as a child can vouch for the profound impact they had on our lives. Not only do sports help us make lifelong friends, but they also teach us a great deal about ourselves.

As many of you know, a lot of the children that received this donation have never had the opportunity to play with or even hold a soccer ball. Thanks to soccerloco’s donation, many children will discover their passion for something that they may not have discovered otherwise. Soccer will act as an outlet for any frustrations or problems they may be facing in other areas of their lives. Sports teach children the value of integrity, honesty, and hard work. They encourage kids to set small goals for themselves, which in turn, exponentially increases their self-esteem. Setting small goals such as learning a new move or learning how to dribble may give them the extra boost in self-confidence that helps them stand up to a bully or better communicate their feelings. Even better, they will make lifelong friends and teammates that will act as a constant support system both on and off the field.

Thank youWith the help of soccerloco’s donation, we have increased the necessary resources and materials needed to help improve children’s lives. Although a soccer ball may seem like a small contribution, its impact is significant. As a result, we cannot thank soccerloco enough for this generous gift – watching those little boys and girls learn how to kick a ball, play pass with their friends, and score their first goal are memories that we will cherish for a lifetime. We are convinced that we have a few future soccer pros within the Children’s Bureau community, and we hope to continue partnering with soccerloco in the future!

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