Hope in a Suitcase - Child Abuse Prevention, Treatment & Welfare Services | Children's Bureau



Hope in a Suitcase

When a child arrives in foster care, due to no fault of their own, they often have to bring whatever belongings they can fit into a plastic trash bag. Many do not have a suitcase or a duffel bag, especially in emergency situations.  Foster families welcoming the children generally have very little time to prepare for their arrival.
Hope in a Suitcase provides a personalized suitcase, with essentials, to the children of Los Angeles County as they join a loving foster family.  A personal note is included from the donor of the suitcase. “The intent of our gesture is to not only to reassure children that we value them as individuals, but also that their personal belongings deserve the same respect and care as they do, no matter where they go.” states one of five founding board members, Eufe de laTorre, a previous Supervisor with Children’s Bureau Foster Care & Adoption, and an adoptive parent.
A social worker recently related that a newly arrived five-year old boy who was fearful of starting a new school because he did not have any friends received a suitcase with a personal note from another child signed, “Your Friend, Mikey” and became very happy because he now had a “friend.”  A little support at this stressful time is meaningful to a child.
Since the inception of the program, approximately 30 suitcases filled with age-appropriate clothes, books & toys have been furnished to newly arrived foster children within the Children’s Bureau family.
For more information, please visit: www.hopeinasuitcase.org
Foster Child with Suitcase

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